Friday, March 02, 2007

Methadone overdose deaths

Just as we are seeing an increase in Methadone-related overdoses, so are many places across the country. While it is often seen as a drug used to replace heroin in addicted individuals, the overdoses we are seeing are related to its increased use as a potent pain medication (as is the case elsewhere as well).

Methadone is being used increasingly in tablet form as a pain med. Like all behavior the reason is “over-determined” or multi-factorial. It is quite effective and had been thought to be less addictive than many other pain meds (not true, but all meds are addictive in some ways and in some people). Another reason is that OxyContin has gotten such a “bad name” that a replacement was needed.

One of the main problems with Methadone is its long half-life (the time required to clear half of the med from the body). The half-life can be up to 60 hours. The problem is that the pain-relief effects diminish prior to it being cleared from the body, so that repeated dosing for pain relief in the face of that slow clearage leads to the development of toxic levels.

The other “problem” with Methadone is that it is usually an incredibly safe med when taken alone, but can quickly becomes deadly when mixed with other meds at higher than “normal” doses. That is, if your Methadone level is a bit on the high side and you take it with a benzodiazepine a bit on the high side and wash it down with a bit too much alcohol, you can wake up dead (as we say in the profession). This can occur even if none of those drugs are in the toxic range by themselves. In particular, the respiratory and cardio- depressant effects of these drugs are additive, if not somewhat geometric, in their cumulative effects.

Methadone may be a good pain med and may be useful in those addicted to heroin, but it can be lethal and we are seeing an increase in its lethal effects.


  1. Anonymous1:23 AM

    On 10/1/03 my son Seneca Miceli died of a methadone overdose at the young pre-mature age of 23. He had gotten the methadone from a girl at work who it been prescribed for. The mix of marijuana and methadone killed him. We need stricter Laws to this toxic substance that is killing our children. I have personally heard of 2 other meth. deaths in the local area. Stricter laws please! Save our children.
    My son now should have been 27 with a full life ahead. Signed Seneca Miceli's Mom.

    1. Are you positive there wasn't something else in there? I've never heard of marijuana mixed with anything killing anyone....I am very sorry for your loss, may Seneca rest in peace <3

    2. Anonymous11:14 AM

      Sorry for you're loss. I believe you were given misinformation by medical staff. Marijuana has never caused a death or overdose in millions of years.

    3. Mixing methadone and weed does not kill you. He must have taken something else with it

  2. Anonymous7:58 PM

    I completely agree that there is an epidemic of methadone related deaths that is being ignored by the government as well as by health care providers. I am an ICU nurse in Reno, NV and on April 6th, 2007 my 21yr old brother died from methone overdose in combination with valium. He was also in a rehab/so-called "detox" center that had no medically trained professionals on site. He was prescribed methadone at an ER for withdrawl symptoms similar to heroin; however my brother was an IV cocain user not dependent on opiates. He then was taken to the methadone clinic two days later without any communication to the clinic that he allready had methadone pills. He was given two oral doses, which he was not monitored after and then morning after his second dose he was found dead in his room at the rehab. He was also being given valium at the center and these dangerous drugs were allowed to be taken by my brother without anyone present who was educated on potential side effects and interactions, or even sign and symptoms of toxicity. The day before his death he had reported severe headache, blurred vision, nausea, and was tachycardic. They passed these off as more drug withdrawls and did not check on him except once that night. He was 21 and my little brother who was trying to get help for his addiction and get better and this methadone killed him. He should have never gotten it.
    Something needs to be done about this drug because in my town alone the coroner said the number of methadone related deaths has increased 4 fold in the last 2 yrs and they have stopped counting how many they see. How many deaths will it take before this drug is regulated more and monitored closely. I alon have seen a number of methadone overdoses even from the methadone clinic come in to the ER at the hospital where I work. I hope to get involved in preventing other innocent people from dying from this "government funded" program.

  3. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I am sorry for anyones loss to this horrible drug. I am in a hospital right now with my sister who is in a comma due to methadon. The Dr. gave her this to get off loratab. Now we sit here waiting for her to die. My 3 year old niece will not have her mother. This drug should never of been made. An expecially a whole prescription of it. My prayers are with u all.

  4. Anonymous8:54 PM

    I am sorry to hear about the death of your son, it is rather unfortunate.
    While I can understand a death from methadone, A death from combining marijuana and methadone is highly unlikely. Marijuana has not ever directly resulted in any documented deaths in its years of use. You're son died of a methadone overdose, the marijuana had nothing to do with it it. sorry for your loss but misinformation is dangerous.

    1. Agree 100% anonymous. No matter the levels of t.h.c. Still,I'm sorry for thier loss...

    2. CANNOR I REPEAT CANNOT OVERDOSE ON CANNABIS AKA MARIJUANA AKA WEED, POT etc....THE DEATH WAS CAUSED BY TUE IMTERACTIONS OF THE BENZOS (VALUIM AND XANAX) AND METHADONE!! So sorry for ur loss. Us addicts need to come together and start a donation to set up a yreaent facility ran my us actual recovering addicts!!!!

  5. My son Timothy Galvin was 18 years old and died of a methodone overdose.
    Timothy is my son. He was my life. He was going to begin classes at Rogers State University in January 2008. He was a soldier in the National Guard and would have been deployed for Iraq in November 2007, but he had scored a 56 on his ASVAP test for enlistment. His Sergeant said this was one of the highest scores he had seen in 6 years. Therefore, he was eligible fro the college first program. He would not have to be deployed if he was enrolled in college. He was at a party on November 7 2007. I was told that he had been drinking liquor and Tim was not in his right mind if he was drinking anything other than a few beers. Somebody "gave him" or "let him take" a deadly dose of Methadone and by the next morning his best friend had to be the one to find him dead in his bed. This was a tragic & unfortunate accident that I pray no other family will have to go through, but I know that it will happen again. That is why, I don't know how & I don't know what it will take, but i am starting to gather more information on Methadone availability and find out what regulations the government is actually enforcing. Then I will call every Senator, State Representative, Pharmacy Boards, Clinic and mother that has lost their child to this drug and maybe we can change something. If you have lost your child from a methadone overdose and would like to e-mail me:

    God Bless,
    Timara Jean Meeks

  6. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Methadone is a very safe drug when used correctly and under a licenced pyschicians montoring. Most of the posts are about deaths from drug abuse or medical mal-practice(ie giving methadone for cocaine addiction).
    I have never used herion and use a low dose of methadone for chronic pain and its saved my life and allows me to be a productive member of society.

    1. Anonymous7:49 PM

      AMEN! I am a patient of a methadone clinic in Georgia. I have been on maintenance for 6 years. That is a long time but with that being said I'm stable. I have a normal life and believe me I didn't before going to the clinic. I was having multiple surgeries at the age of 11. At the age of 36 I was finally to a point to where I didn't need anymore surgeries. By this point I was very addicted to pain medication. I also has a sister that was addicted. She was addicted to many more drugs than myself. She had been in and out of rehab and methadone clinics than you would believe. She had talked to me about the clinic but I thought it was for drug addicts. Not for me! Well March 9th, 2005 my father found her dead in her room. My family was torn, in shock, hurting and totally in disbelief. It was the hardest thing we had been through ever. That's when I decided to get help. I had no insurance and was broke at the time. I was just out of foreclosure for the 3rd time and was sick of needing medications I could no longer get and I thought to myself, I pray to God everyday of my family's life that I never put them through what we had all just been through. I decided to give the clinic a try. I watched my parents die with her. I could never let them feel this way again because I had a problem like my sister that they could never help her with. So the January after she passed I went to a clinic in the town I grew up in. It saved my life, my marriage, my home and me having to fear breaking my family's heart and making them suffer because I had an addiction. I'm so sorry people have had loved one's die from not getting the correct treatment or mixing medications with methadone. I have lost my sister due to drugs and I still have to say methadone has been a true blessing to me and my family. I think no matter what the topic is there is good and bad in them all. I just wish people wouldn't have a terrible situation make them closed minded due to circumstance or judge before looking for the negative v/s the positive for many. There are a lot of people that get their lives back by taking methadone bit there are many people that abuse it as well. So it's a wonderful life saving medication for me! Thanks for the ones that share their positive in with all the negative. I also was a foster parent and adopted a son while in maintenance and thus blessing wouldn't have ever happened without me being in treatment. DFCS wasn't liking I was in treatment but I did things right and this was the only thing I had ever done in my life that they didn't care for. I had never been to jail, never had a speeding ticket or never called 911 unless my mom needed an ambulance in 20 years. They checked us out, drug tested us all the time and we passed every thing. We are awesome parents despite having problems like every birth parent on this earth. Hope you all find peace with this and know there are ones that it helps and thus may be some of why it's not banned immediately. I pray for you all!!

  7. Thank you for the blog educating us about about the increases in methadone deaths you are seeing. In my experience as a lawyer handling death cases from negligent doctors and clinics prescribing methadone, many professionals are not well-educated. If a reader is interested in effecting change with regard to methadone prescribing practices, please contact the medical board in your state or the state methadone authority and let them know the circumstances of your loved one's death. Phyllis Lile-King

  8. I lost my mother to a Methadone Overdose on Dec. 11th 2007. I just got back the Coroners Report. It said "Overdose" for cause of death.
    My mother was on Methadone for awhile and being treated at a pain management clinic. Three months before her death they took her from 80mgs per day to 150. According to the report, my mother's liver had substantial damage.
    I am still angry with the Dr.'s at the clinic. A simple blood test and ultrasound would have told them that her liver was too damaged to metabolize the methadone. Instead of treating her as a patient, they just simply upped her dosage without checking to see if she was in good enough health.
    For a week or so before she passed away she thought she had the flu. I brought her soup, 7UP, and crackers. She looked horrible and she thought she was contagious. I now realize that she was dying.
    Because she couldn't hold anything down she would have to retake her meds for her Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia. That would explain the amount of meds in her system.
    I want to take this to an attorney, but I need advise.
    My mother was only 57.
    I spoke to one attorney and he dismissed anything I had to say because my mother had been on the drug for a few years. He was handling a multi-million dollar case for a mother of two that was 27 that was prescribed methadone and died the next day.
    To me, I see no difference. They both died from Methadone toxicity.
    I feel that nobody wants to hear my case.
    I just don't want any more Mothers, Daughters, Sisters, Husbands, Brothers or children dying anymore from negligence with prescribing this VERY dangerous drug.
    I live in Reno. If anyone can steer me in a direction to an attorney that actually cares about this epidemic I would greatly appreciate it.
    Sincerely~Shellice Maraccini

  9. Anonymous1:25 PM


    I read your comment about your mother...I'm so sorry that you are having to go through this.

    Please check out the websites below...they have been a lifesaver to me and many others in our situation. (the website under my name is my sons personal memorial page)

    Timara J. Meeks

    "I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me"
    (2 Samuel 12:23)

  10. Anonymous11:41 AM

    My sister was on life support for 14 yrs because of methadone. She was hanging out with a friend who was prescibed methadone a one time b/c he was addicted to oxycotin. He told me he gave her methadone and a quarter of a xanax; my question to him is, do they not tell you what you can or cannot mix with methadone? In my mind they should know not to mix anything with this drug. Especially with knowledge from the clinics or doctors. My sister died on 11/15/2008 at the age of 26 yrs old. THis has to be the most painful thing families have to go through. This drug needs to be banned, so what if it help people with other addictions, if they are that stupid to get on drugs go through the pain, and so be it...

  11. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I have been going to a clinicto recieve Methadone once per day.only after being sadly hooked on pain pills by a Dr. that was later fired. Now I'm sick .I'm on a low dose 40mg.and cannot function from everything I read I am being overdosed.But, You tell Hospital personnel at the local Hospital your on Methadone and they see a junkie shooting heroine.It's a No Win..

    1. 40 mg OVERDOSED seriously? I'm on 120 mg a day your FAR from being g overdosed

  12. 40 mg is low for opiate replacement therapy. Most survey studies have found the 80-120 mg range as the "usual dosing range".

    40 mg for pain is, on the other hand, a significant dose. although, that treatment can and does go much higher in some cases (unfortunately at times when it shouldn't)

  13. 40 mg is low for opiate replacement therapy. Most survey studies have found the 80-120 mg range as the "usual dosing range".

    40 mg for pain is, on the other hand, a significant dose. although, that treatment can and does go much higher in some cases (unfortunately at times when it shouldn't)

  14. Yes, all these deaths because of methadone are very sad. but anyone who is ignorant enough to gobble down drugs without doing a little bit of research is at fault for dying, not the doctor. It is the patients fault for going to multiple doctors, or drinking while on methadone, or not knowing that other medications can interact dangerously. any normal, sane adult knows that medications have side affects and also complications due to interactions with other drugs. Yes there might be a FEW completely accidental deaths, but most of the time it can be attributed to the patients stupidity. it's easy to blame it on the physicians.
    hell, i stared going to a methadone clinic about a year ago in arizona for heroin addiction and was allowed to get up to 245 milligrams. 4 months later i moved to california and found out hiow ridiculously high this dose was. at first i was mad at the doctor for letting me go that high cuz i knew it would take forever to taper down and eventually stop taking it. eventually i realized it was my own fault for not researching the drug better and asking more questions. now ive gone down 145 milligrams within about 8 months and feel fine.
    ignorance = DEATH

  15. Anonymous9:09 AM

    As all others said, I am sorry for each of your loss. IMHO, this boils down to taking responsibility for you actions. I have been on methadone for 15 years and this med has saved my life. People who loose a family member or close friend are just looking to blame someone for the screw-up of the person who died. Example-Most of the deseased lied or did something illegal to obtain the med. Now who do you blame? Also, marijuana hes nothing to do with methadone and should not be included as a problem when consumed with methadone. Quit blaming everyone else and remember to be responsible for your own actions. I'm sorry to be so blunt but enough of this "it's someone elses fault". This is a big problem with our country.

  16. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Hello all and Happy Easter.

    A quick note I wanted to pass along that may assist on getting tighter regulation on Methadone if the right person reads this.

    When my Daughter was around 12 years old, she was friends with this little girl from her school. She was stunning for being 12 years old and was the type of young lady we would all like to have our children keep as friends.

    I learned of my statement when I was at work. My wife called me on Fort Bragg and told me this young lady was at her grandmothers staying for the weekend. Apparently she had a headache and went into her Grandmas bathroom and removed (2) 10 mg Methadone's seeing the bottle said for chronic pain. Believe it or not, that was all it took for this young petite little princess. I was devastated. In my 40's and crying like a baby in front my construction coworkers. When I composed myself and explained what had transpired. There were more than a few praying to the almighty along with flowing tears. My Daughter is 27 now and I still cry when thinking of her in the evenings.

    Lock this medication up people. God bless all of the people that reads my story and I pray for protection for everyone on this blog.

    God Bless and once more, Happy Easter! ;o)

  17. Anonymous3:22 PM

    methadone is not the epidemic in this country, it is ignorance and carelessness that are truely problematic. Stop blaming drugs and implementing new laws; the over protection of people is enabling and slowly crippling them. Parents; for christ sakes educate your children because the sickness and evil in the world is not going away. It is up to you to arm your kids with the proper knowledge on sex, drugs and weapons. It's not up to the government. Remembe r this country was founded upon the breaking away from tyranny and indoctrination. Stop being lazy and feeling sorry for yourselves.

  18. Anonymous12:26 PM

    I don't see any of the deaths being a patient of a Methadone Maintenance Facility (MMT). MMT's are highly regulated by state and federal agencies. Patients are fully informed of the dangers of not taking Methadone as prescribed, adding other drugs or medications, allowing others to take their Methadone. Because of the less than responsible behaviors of people receiving M for other reasons, or others that take their M without their knowledge, deaths have occured, and MMT's have gotten erroneously included in the problem.. But please, let the record reflect that the number or deaths in patients of MMT's taking their medication as prescribed, is minimal. I have been working in the field for 8 years, and have never seen a death. What I have seen is many people literally "getting ther lives back". Take any medicine as prescribed, and fewer problems occur. A person can die from taking too much Tylenol, or drinking too much water. Don't blame the medicine, change the behaviors that cause the deaths.

  19. On Dec.27,2008 I awoke to find my fiance dead in our bed of a mixture of Methadone, and a high dose of klonapin. Both were prescribed medications. 2 weeks before her death the methadone was added. I found out later a so called friend of ours offered Laura more methadone from her own prescription due to the fact that laura's dose was a mild amount.
    Within 2 weeks this drug set her off to the race's. She always thought her tolerance for drugs was high. The drug made her feel better, and out of pain.
    It was the day after christmas, and I was taking a nap, and learned her friend called and offered her to buy some of her pills knowing she had none left.
    She never told me she got those extra pills, and throughout the day/evening of the 26th I did not notice that she seemed noticably high. We had fun together that whole day, with a wonderful Christmas. I find myself always thinking why didn't I notice, or why didn't I wake up during the night. When I did wake up she was already in rigor. I can't describe what I went through emotionally at that moment, and have continued to every waking moment of my Life.
    We were very happy, In Love, SoulMates, and about to be married. After her death I found several text messages she sent me in the night from her new phone.
    All of them about how Happy she was, and it was her Best Christmas, She wanted to be married immediatley, and didn't want to wait. She did tell me how much she Loved me. In Laura, and My eyes we were married. All the messages were sent to my wife. I had just got her a new phone for christmas so she was playing with it all the while I thought she too was sleeping. I know about the nodding, then waking again, and this is what she must have been going through. My Life is forever changed thanks to Methadone and Klonapin. (And a So called Friend who new about the other meds and did not care, or have a remorseful bone in her body) For, this person, and many I have learned about since only care about the money they can make with these drugs.I even called her Doctor to report her well know knowledge of selling methadone, and I was told there was nothing they could/would do. So she continues to sell this drug. I am so sorry for all the other people who to has to go through the death of a Loved one due to the ignorance of the drug, and people who encourage others to buy them. My life is full of Lonliness, tears, and wishing if only i knew..
    The Trauma of waking up and kissing her cold head is something very beyond overwhelming everyday. And, all for what purpose. The friend who said buy some you'll feel better??

    1. Amy L.7:10 PM

      I woke up to my bf dead in bed next to me and I ask myself ALL those same questions. WHY didn't I wake up?? This happened on Thanksgiving Day of 2013 from a combo of methadone and Xanax. It still feels as tho it happened yesterday. PTSD has taken over my life. It's something I will never get over.

  20. Anonymous10:53 PM

    I'm sorry to tell you guys who commented, but methadone is as safe of a drug to use as is aspirin. If taken in correct dosages and used responsibly i.e. not mixing it with other drugs, there is a very low chance of fatality. Drug related deaths are the victim's fault, not the drug.

  21. Anonymous8:22 PM

    June 4, 2009 I found my best friend dead from a methadone overdose. He bought the drug from a friend of his.

    At that time he had had two major back injuries and a herniated disk in his neck. Both caused him extreme pain. He was prescribed Valuum and Norco. He eventually became addicted to pain medication, eventually resulting in him abusing any drug he could get his hands on.

    I personally think that prescribing Methadone as a painkiller is like trying to kill a house fly with a shot gun. From my conversations with the medical examiner in our town I have gathered that no one really knows how much a "lethal" dose of the medication is. He said people have been known to die after taking their first dose correctly.

    It's frustrating and painful to deal with the problem to say the least.

  22. Shelly c11:50 PM

    I was on methadone but with all the deaths from it I asked to be taken off, I had it hidden in my closet, trying to figure out how to dispose of it without injurying anyone, they say not to fluch it, not to bury it, we have no children and my husband knew I stopped taking it becasue I knew it was killing people. On 2/5/2010 when I was getting ready for work, I heard my husband snoring different then usual, I shook him and he responded and went back to sleep, when I came home that night I found him DEAD, it was the most HORRIBLE thing I have ever experienced, he was my love, my soulmate, my bestfriend. About three month prior he had been gping to the doctor for high blood pressure, anxiety attacks, she had him on 5 meds, after the morgue took my baby away, he was only 44 and loved life, I started going through his room, he has his own game room and I found 2 pills, white pills, I was going to look them up on the net but decided to find hte rx I hid and sure enough they were the methadone...DAMN IT, the coroner did an autopsy and said he had an enlarged heart, on the death certificate it says investigation pending, I am going to call them on monday and let them know what I found. DAMN IT...he knew I quit taking them becasue they were killing people, WHY WOULD HE DO THAT, WHY?? I feel now that this is my fault and it is eatting my up inside, I do not stop crying, I kow he had back pain from a surgery but WHY did he get into that box and take those LILLER PILLS, I am sure yet as they are doing a toxicology test but wouldn't you think the same....GOD I MISS HIM HORRIBLY, if I would have had one clue that morning that the snoring was the methadone KILLING HIM I could have maybe saved his life. Now my life is over, I do not want to live without him, I miss him so bad, why did this have to happen. THEY NEED TO BAN METHADONE>>>IT KILLS!!!!!

    1. I posted my story on here a while ago but just want you to know that I know how you feel. Thanksgiving Day of 2013, I woke up to my boyfriend dead in our bed. I've been an MMT client for almost 7 years now, doing very well. My bf who was an alcoholic was not able to drink due to being on probation. I believe he took my methadone, which was locked up, in a desperate attempt to find some relief. He was also on xanax. I told him many times about the dangers of methadone by itself, but also the dangers of mixing it with benzos. I had a friend who was addicted to benzos while taking methadone and I told him many times how scared I was for her life. He knew! He knew what could happen. I just think he never thought it would happen to him. I miss him more than anything and I don't wish what I went thru on my worst enemy. I was also 7mths pg at the time. I have to live with knowing that my prescribed medication is what killed my bf and left our daughter without a father. He also left behind 4 other children. I had woken up two hours prior to finding him and noticed nothing out of the ordinary. He was snoring like normal. I woke up again 2 hours later to find him unresponsive without a pulse. So many what ifs. I will never forgive myself for my part in his death even tho I did everything to prevent diversion.

  23. Ignorance DOES equal death, but many patients don't think to ask their doctor if the medicine they are prescribing is going to KILL THEM. Like a lot of people, I trust doctors to do their jobs and not prescribe someone 200mg of Methadone every day, but it happens. I went 8 weeks listening to my doctor when he said I didn't need an ultrasound for a problem I was SURE I had, and I ended up in emergency surgery with a blood transfusion and almost died from blood loss...

    If you try to ask a doctor if what they're doing is wrong, most of them give you the "I have a medical degree and you don't" treatment. It is just the same with the doctors who prescribe this drug in hospitals and in clinics.

    It is very hard NOT to be ignorant of the risks when every doctor is telling you it is perfectly-normal to be taking 200mg of Methadone a day. I witnessed this for over a year with my sister.

    Also, the "productive members of society" commenting on this page will only regret it later because my sister was a "productive member of society" and the doctors kept increasing her dose, making her fall asleep and lose her $17/hr with benefits job and nearly lose her life. When she asked to get off of the program, they encouraged her not to stop and made it VERY difficult for her to stop. She eventually had to quit HERSELF in an extremely-painful detox process in a medical setting and then rehab.

    She went through more pain and suffering than her roommates who were coming off of HEROIN. Methadone gets into your bone marrow, it's "half-life" is much longer than any other painkiller. There is NO reason to have this stuff prescribed unless you are trying to stay "comfortable" in end-stage Cancer or something.

    If you did a survey of 100 people on Methadone, they'd all say they take it responsibly --just like my sister did. Talk to FORMER Methadone addicts, and they'll all say it was the biggest mistake of their lives.

  24. Anonymous9:22 PM

    My 23 year old son is on methadone and just coming down on the dosage.What I have noticed is he often acts weird, talking to invisable people, talking discusting and very angry with me. I know he drinks beer, wine and hard tea, and I think he does marijuana. He also thinks all he does is fine. He was on opiates. He was a college student. Now he lives with me as he's broke and I'm doing my best to keep some food on the table. I am so frightened for my once bright loving son. Seems I should be doing more, but he seems to think I know nothing and truth is.. I don't. Any advice? Thank you.

  25. If you are sure he hasn't relapsed and is back on the opiates (or other drugs), the main thing to do is be supportive through this withdrawal phase. Listen to him, talk occasionally, and help him ride this out.

    Good luck, hang in there

  26. Anonymous7:49 PM

    I been on methadone for about ten years!drunk driver hit me in the butt of my car.thats how it started pain pills!the doctors pump me up percocets oxycotin my lawer sent me to a head doctor he gave me zanex.ok two years later insurance money all gone doctors says byby.Here I am with this monkey on my back?what do i do next?METHADONE!Its a goodthing if you dont abuse it.methadone is very dangerous If your mixing it with zanex it could be death.Dont let the doctors turn you into a junkie.Its all a money thing!

  27. My father suffered from chronic pain and was perscribed methadone as a "cheaper" alternative pain medication. His Dr. also put him on Zanex. He was on his way to detoxing off methadone after a heart attach in Aptil 2010. He ran out of his medication and his Dr. was out of town and no one would prescribe him some until he got to re-hab. He went back to the old Dr. who was prescribing him the methadone and he gave him a prescription but did not tell him to start with a low dose ( he had been without it for 3 days) and he took his normal dose. He died the next day. I am sick to my stomach that this medication is being used for pain and that the Dr.s are so careless with prescribing it. I am not done yet with this and I will try my hardest to get it off the market as a pain medication!!

  28. Anonymous9:58 PM

    if you think it was a combination of marijuana and methadone that killed him.. than your mistaken.. it was the methadone.. marijuana doesnt kill people.. enough said.. anything that it does to the human heart rate etc is minimal. dont spread ignorance.. truth be told if marijuana was legal your son probably wouldve just smoked that and wouldnt have messed with the other drugs.. bunch of retards run things... legalize marijuana and put your damn time into getting the hard drugs off the street.. and you may find if its legal.. people would quit the harder drugs and just use marijuana.. orrrrr spend millions and billions on fighting the war on pot and let these kids just keep dieing.

  29. Beverly in Iowa11:53 PM

    My name is Beverly. I'm 22 and a mother of 2. I became addicted to pain pills at 18. I was snorting at least 250mg of anything I could find thoughout a normal day.. My mother eventually found out and Anyway I went to a methadone clinic near me, and got off oxy.. My normal dose was 80mg.. well I also smoke marijuana bacause I have panic attacks that are out of this world.. but my clinic would not let me continue and receive my take homes.. so I stopped.. naturally I still wntd to smoke marijuana.. so I found the stuff thats basically imitation marijuana.. I noticed when I smoked my heartrate started going through the roof.. like pounding hard and very very rapid.. scared me enough I thought I was dying.. I wnt to the ER.. and they said that I was having panic attacks.. well my heart like skips a beat every now and again and so whn that happened like twice I scratched that.. and now I've cut my dose in half.. and I feel like methadone is killing me, because marijauna never did this to me whn i just smoked marijuana alone, and I'm just an addict, but I've never heard of anyone dying because of smoking weed.. I would like to smoke marijuana I just am terrified I'm gna goto sleep and never wake up.. I know that no one knows for sure, but what do you think doc?

  30. Move to a state with legal medicinal marijuana, it appears to be an adjunct for health in many people

  31. Anonymous12:06 PM

    My mom has been on Methodone for years prescribed by a doc for chronic pain an recently was prescribed Prempro for hot flashes both drugs are metabolized by the liver in the same way well it led to methodone overdose she did not die but is very sick her whole body is numb an tingling. At what point can we trust any doctor or pharmacist had she of waited or been taking a higher dose(she takes half of what is already prescribed)she would have woke up dead.

  32. Anonymous2:37 PM

    ive taken methadone several times a day for years for pain without problem...yet its getting harder to find doctors to prescribe and pharmacies to fill precriptions. without it, i would not be able to get out of dead...and would prob have kille dmyself. think about it. meth can be helpful and you people are making it impossible for people who really need it. as is , laws are tough and at times i have not been able to get the medication i need. even my dr says he will probably stop prescribing it cuz the regulations have gotten out of hand.

  33. Anonymous1:11 AM

    I injured my back when I was a teenager and it progressively got worse overtime. Years later i couldnt take the pain anymore. I went to the dr and first got muscle relaxers which didn't help. Next he gave me cortison injections which worked but wore off after 3 weeks and I was told that I could only receive cortisone 6 times. So I tried to deal with the pain. Then I went to the chiropractor for a couple years which helped very little. Next came pain management centers where I received x ray guided injections and also trigger point injections. The pain still remained. So I finally went to my dr and received Vicodin which. Worked but I needed 6-8 a day to be out of pain. I got worried about taking so much tylenol, so I was put on oxycontin. I never had a problem with addiction until oxycontin. I was prescribed 30mg a day but I soon found myself (after a year or so) taking my monthly script in a week. I had terrible withdrawal after only 6 hours of my last dose. I told my dr that I was worried about getting addicted and switched meds to methadone. It no doubt saved my life.
    It's so much easier not taking more methadone than prescribed because the euphoria was almost non existent. I'm taking 15mg a day and it helps the pain way more than oxy and without the high
    Methadone is a powerful drug! The withdrawal is much less intense. Methadone withdrawal just makes my body feel sore like I ran a marathon the previous day but oxy withdrawal I felt like dying. Also I noticed my appetite was a lot better on methadone.

  34. i am on methadone and i also have a child that overdosed on methadone she was 17 and she mix it with valuim the problem is not methadone the problem is people taking pills that are not for them my daughter is know 24 and has been in a wheelchair ever scense she came out of a coma but i know that if i did not have methadone i would not be able take care of her or myself yes it is a very strong drug but if it is taken right and by the people it is prescribe for it is safer than alot of other pain meds

  35. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Methadone saved my life. I was taking $200 worth of OxyContin a day just to stay well. Then I started mixing the Oxys with valium and xanax and klonopin. It wasn't long before I was on heroin. Heroin is a dirty disgusting drug. Let me tell you, I found OxyContin to be so much more euphoric and perfect, making it soooooooooo much harder to quit.

    Methadone is like a loaded gun. When used properly it can save lives. When toyed with it can take lifes.

    I used methadone properly, and I'm alive because of it. Trust me, I WOULD have been dead w/o MMT.

  36. I lost my beloved sister who was found collapsed just 3 days before this past Christmas:( My neice said goodnight to het mom and found her mother collapsed the next morning. DRug addiction is so devestating and reading these posts have confirmed the cause of my sisters demise. She was self medicating with alcohol and xanax when the last straw was the methadone:( May she be at peace now after helping so many but not able to help herself....

  37. thank you for confirming what took the life of my beloved sister just 3 days before this past Xmas. She was such an amazing woman in the healthcare industry and addiction does not discriminate. After reading the Giving Tree she gave so much in helping others but life gave her nore than anyone could possibly cope with. I miss her so much and pray to everyday to give us the strength to live life without her...

  38. Amy M.1:16 AM

    One week ago, on Thanksgiving Day 2013, at 3:30 am I discovered my 36yo boyfriend's dead body lying next to me in bed, his head resting on my belly, which is carrying our unborn daughter. He died from a methadone overdose, MY methadone. I've been going to a methadone clinic for 5 1/2 years now and I honestly don't think I would be alive today if it wasn't for the clinic. I started there after I became addicted to opiates because of a doctor, but my boyfriend was not an addict. I never even saw him take as much as a Tylenol 3 so I have no idea why he decided to take my methadone. We talked numerous times about how dangerous it was, especially to someone without a tolerance. It was kept in a locked box at all times. I'm on a relatively small dose of 85mgs and he took about 70mgs I think. I'm completely devastated but I cannot blame myself or the methadone clinic. He was a grown man, COMPLETELY aware of the risks, yet he chose to take it anyway. I agree that some clinics are far to lenient with their take home rules but my clinic is open 7 days a week, 365 days a year and they test for ALL other drugs. There is a list of criteria you MUST meet to be able to receive take home doses. I met all of them and they felt the risk of diversion was very low in my case. I had been storing my take homes in that house for over 8 months without a single issue. There will always be people who make it harder for everyone else, even the ones following the rules. I forgive him for what he did but now I have to live without him for the rest of my life because of his decision. I have to give birth to and raise our daughter alone, something I shouldn't have to do. 4 other children lost their father and I lost someone who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

  39. Thank you for sharing your story

  40. Anonymous9:50 PM

    I am truly sorry for everyones' losses, I really am, but 9 times out of 10, the victim is fully aware of the dangers involved in whatever it is they're taking. I think the majority of responsibility for overdose lies with the patient. I just OD'd on methadone 2 days ago and would have died if my roommate hadn't found me on the floor when he did. I should have known better than to take as much as I did, and with a small amount of Xanax still in my system. I DID know better, but was careless. Thought after a decade of opiate tolerance, I'd be able to handle it. I was wrong and almost paid the ultimate price. There are already rules in place for prescribing narcotics. Many people try to weasel around these rules to get what they want. Tighter rules are just going to make it harder for honest patients to get what they need.

  41. Anonymous4:23 AM

    If it wasn't for Methadone my wife and I would both be dead. Yes, it is very strong, but it is safe if taken correctly. Instead of trying to attack Methadone, teach your children about it and EVERY parent needs to keep all meds locked up. I don't care how good your kid is or how much you trust them. And for god's sake get educated on Marijuana. It'll be legal everywhere soon ....

  42. Anonymous4:42 AM

    We have a much bigger problem in the US with benzos - valium, klonopin, and xanax. Millions are addicted and most have never had Methadone. The benzos make the Methadone deadly. They also make alcohol deadly. Is that the next target? Recognize the true villain. Methadone is already highly regulated - Benzos not so much....

  43. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I am on 100mg of Methadone a day as per maintenance and prescribed 8 mg of Clonazepam daily as well. If I were to take say 10 to 20 of my 2mg (so 20 to 40 mg of Clonazepam) tablets with an extra 100 mg of Methadone, would that be fatal? Or would tolerance be a factor in that situation? This is purely hypothetical. My question is if one has been on these meds for so long, wouldn't it make it a lot easier to survive such a mishap?

  44. Tolerance most certainly develops with taking any number of meds long-term. Tolerance being defined as a needed increase dosing to achieve a desired effect.

    What the threshold would be between an abrupt increase in the amount taken (overdosing) being survived and not survived would be impossible to predict. I don't recommend you consider trying it.

  45. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Hello, My name is Mike I am from Cincinnati, Ohio. I was addicted to pain pills after an automobile accident. Than I moved to heroin and for all the idiots who say heroin's cheap has not been ever hooked on heroin. I have been at 120mg dose of methadone per day for 3 years and it has helped me maintain employment and also saved my life I take it as prescribed and have never heard of anyone at my clinic passing away from their methadone. It saves more lives than the few it may take just like cars do in accidents.

  46. Hello, I am a 52 year old drug addict. I am a professional, I have 5 beautiful adult children, I am also a grandma. I am on mmt. No one would ever guess that by looking at me. I hid my addiction and I announce to no one that I take 125 mgs of Methadone a day. Without Methadone I would undoubtedly be dead from an extreme combination of morphine, Xanax, Klonopin, oxycodone and yes lorazapam ALL prescribed!! It was always very easy for me to get any kind of script I wanted because I am articulate and look nothing like a "drug addict". It was certainly the abuse of all of those scripts that was killing me. It had nothing to do with lack of knowledge and it certainly wasn't the doctors fault! You see I have always been very sly in my addiction and as previously stated I could get what I wanted! I see the young people at my clinic and they are no different than me. It is generally the disease of addiction that kills people. That is the common theme that I've seen in all of these stories. I am very saddened by the depth of the disease that you all have experienced. The disease of drug addiction is a very horrid deadly illness and it is what kills our loved ones. It is with this thought and this knowledge that I hope you will proceed to protect your children!

  47. Thank you for your comments

  48. Anonymous10:05 PM

    My 24 year old brother died of a methadone overdose 10 years ago. The autopsy came back showing cocain and methadone in his system. I've always wondered if he took them together or a day apart etc. I suppose your held life explanation helps me understand a bit more. I feel as though it's a bit late for the country to be waking up about this crisis. He was the first, during the last 10 years I have lost 6 more family members and at least 5childhood friends. So sad.


  49. My mom is Carol Maynard. She is a kind caring person. She loves her 2 kids and grand babies more then anything. She spent 30 years married to the love of her life and father of her children. She has had a few different jobs. She loves to read, her favorite is Nora Robert's books. BI-POLAR began to take over her life in 2003 and she started prescription medications. By 2013 she was a mess and snorting pills. Her marriage was done and she had pushed most of her family away. She lived off lies and pills. By 2016 she couldn't hardly walk. She would fall daily her memory was gone. In May of 2016 she was drinking daily and snorting methadone. After a 5 day or so stay she was released from the hospital May 5th 2015 after they couldn't figure out why she wasn't able to walk without falling. Why she couldn't remember why her speech was slurred. May 5th 2016 as she was waiting to be released from Osu medical center in Columbus ohio I talked to her on the phone. She sounded good. I could understand her. She promised me she was fine. 15 days after our last conversation I got the call from someone I don't even know that informed me my mom was dead. Overdose is the cause of death. Methadone. I know she's just a number to the dr. Who wrote her that prescription. As well as the medicare insurance that paid for her prescriptions. I know her death means nothing to YOU the manufacturer of this horrible drug. I her only daughter. The next of kin the one who had to make her final arrangements with no money. Who had to be the one to tell my only little brother, her only sister, my dad and my 4 kids that after a long battle of addiction she had lost her life to a methadone overdose. I want you to know that your manufacturer drug took my moms life.

  50. My condolences. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  51. Hello everyone. I am so sorry for the many of you who have lost loved ones due to methadone overdose. It is a sad and difficult pill to swallow that in almost every single case involved here or in the world, it is the patient's who got themselves involved in their fates. NO ONE held them down and poured methadone down their throats unwillingly. 99.99% of those who die from an overdose to methadone do so FULL-WELL KNOWING that there is a significant risk of death ANYTIME that a person takes a drug of almost any kind. Alcohol is involved in more deaths, murders, rapes, robberies and carnage than ALL other drugs combined. Much more beneficial than blaming a drug for the death of your loved one, like the drug jumped off of a counter and made it's way down your loved ones throat, is to accept the fact that your loved one took the known risks involved with taking drugs and wound up as a statistic. This is unspeakably sad and heartbreaking, and I both give space and recognize that fact. However, much more helpful would it be to begin the campaign of raising awareness of the deadly serious risks involved with methadone (and most other drugs). It would be much more helpful to fight to get a blood-red warning label on every container carrying methadone, in every clinic prescribing methadone (both methadone maintenance and pain clinics), and on every piece of paper that is attached to the distribution of this drug). This is the way to help people the most regarding "accidental" overdoses of methadone. Because if we claim to "care" about people, the FACT is that methadone maintenance alone has saved exponentially more lives than it has ever taken. Also to be fought should be a reasonable punishment for anyone involved in illegally diverting their medication (of any kind) onto someone in a manner that leads to their death or injury. These two changes would eliminate the blame-game involved with methadone (or 10 years ago OxyContin). We CANNOT take away medications that are beneficial and essential to millions of people's rehabilitation and functionality to protect risk takers from the inevitable consequences of risk-taking. There will always be risk-taking and foolish people; we cannot make our protection of such people take away from providing successful healthcare to our greater society. At some point, people must be held accountable for their own actions. We owe it to our society to make people aware of how potentially dangerous this essential and extremely helpful medication can be; even in small doses. My condolences again for all of your losses.

  52. I want to thank the above poster "Saved by his grace " for an extremely well put together post. I found it to be a very articulate post put together with both knowledge and empathy. You are very articulate and make many good points, very helpful!
    Thank you! Annie

  53. Sorry to hear about the deaths of loved ones. However to the ones who have lost one's due to being "prescribed" certain meds prior to their OD. I am a patient on MD & their are RULES & regulations to each & every one of us saying if you get prescriptions from the doc make sure you bring the scripts or meds in prior to taking them to educate your DRs & counslers in order to know if its safe to take them with your MD or not! Surprisingly a lot will counter act with your MD dosages. So just taking meds because a DR prescribed it without doibg your own research or actually informing your DOC of the MD you're currently on would've probably changed the script for those dangerous meds when taken with MD to begin with. Moral is do your research on any medications when having to mix them.....

  54. I am a MMT patient for going on 8 yrs. All this talk about methadone being such a horrible drugs is nonsense. I'm not saying there are no risk factors when taking this medication or any strong pain medication. It seems like all the people who died where abusing their medication or mixing methadone with things such as benzodiazapines. Also your talk about not allowing people to get takehomes is b.s. I worked my butt off staying clean, taking my medications as directed and passing all of my random drug tests. I earned the right to get my take homes. You wouldn't ask someone prescribed Dilaudid or fentanyl which are just as powerful as methadone to go to the pharmacy every day. I also take klonopin with my methadone both my methadone clinic and psych Dr are on the same page as adjustments to my medications were made. Lastly it's a sad fact that there will always be people who abuse their pain and anxiety meds and a lot of time they pay the price with their life. But there are also thousands of people that methadone is a Godsend and without who knows how many of those people would be dead without it

  55. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Hello, i have a question that im very curious about. My fiancee was married before he met me and had a son. He was very talented at playing and composing music.unfortunately,Jeremy, was an addict.He died from what the medical examiner called Methadone Poisoning. This has never really made since to me or his family. You see, he had TRACE amounts of methadone and no other drugs or alcohol in his system according the the toxicology report. My question is can past methadone use cause you to od? How can this be explained? Thank you for comments.

  56. My condolences.

    Methadone "poisoning" is an imprecise term. Methadone only kills with over-use or mixture with other drugs with similar effects/side-effects profiles (like benzodiazepines. In this case with only trace amounts of methadone found and no other drugs, another cause should have been looked for. I agree that this explanation makes no sense.

  57. Amy L.7:03 PM

    I am one of those people. I've been on MMT for 9 years. I've had plenty of people look down on me and tell me I'm not really sober. My reply to them is that I have been illicit drug free for 9 years and I really don't care what you think. Methadone had given me my life back and my kid have their mother back. My youngest daughter's father passed away on Thanksgiving Day of 2013 from an overdose of my methadone. I did everything right when it came to storing my medication and I did not give it to him so thankfully I wasn't charged with his death. But I still suffer. I was 7 months pg with our first child together and my daughter never got to meet her father. In the years following his death I have beaten myself up and taken the blame for his death because it was MY medication. I'm not sure if those feelings will ever truly go away but I've also realized that he was a grown man who knew the dangers of taking it. We had had many conversations about it. A lot of factors go into my belief that even while knowing the risks, he did not intentionally take his life. He was desperate for something. But I will never let his death hinder my recovery. Methadone keeps me sober and regardless of the number of lives it takes from people abusing it, it also saves lives. Every narcotic has the potential to kill if it ends up in the wrong hands.

  58. What exactly do you expect the government to do? There are strict laws in place but people ignore them.

    The government could make manufacturing these drug illegal. That's not working so well for heroin etc.

    Take your meds as prescribed and let your doctor know if you are on mood altering or other pain meds.

    It's your fault. Change your behavior, no one is saying it is easy but that is the only way.
