Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Blog B-Day

It was pointed out to me today that I have been blogging for a year now (220 posts), wishing me “Happy Blog B-Day” (somewhat belatedly, 1st post Jan.6, 2006).

Also today, I was starting to organize a list of my accomplishments since being elected to office 2 years ago. It does sound a bit egoist to be doing that but I am also preparing to ramp up and “reapply” for this job all too soon (the Primary is a 1 year away).

These 2 things do intersect. I think one of my greatest accomplishments over the last 2 years has been making my office more open, the information it gathers in death investigations more accessible, and on a whole the experience dealing with “our office” a bit less “scary”. We have an “office tour” repeatedly showing on the local County cable access channel. Our “tours” for high school students and other groups have increased in number. I answer questions of the media as much as feasible, keeping the public informed about causes of death and contributing factors, as appropriate.

But I am most proud of this blog (thanks Steve for helping me get started). It is good for my psyche and, hopefully, interesting and useful for others.

I am able to share information we pick up locally, as well as stuff I run across that seems pertinent. I have been able to answer questions and make that information available to other folks with similar questions. I am able to discuss my thoughts about a wide range of issues. Laying it all out in the open for anyone to read, think upon, and who knows, act on and share with others.

Thanks for sharing this with me and I look forward to continuing this on into the future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy belated blog b-day. your blog is great!