Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New Medical Resource

I ran across something interesting today: Medpedia

Medpedia’s mission is to create a new model for how the world will assemble, maintain, critique and access medical knowledge. This repository of up-to-date, unbiased medical information will be freely available to everyone...

It is new and a work in progress. Don’t expect it to have everything you are looking for now, but someday…

Their goal is to be collaborative, yet at least somewhat authoritative. They are doing that by partnering with a few medical schools/institutions to fact-check posted material. I think it sounds like a great concept and I wish them luck. I haven’t gone through many of their articles, but will likely refer folks to it when they are looking for medical answers or is that answers to medical questions.

1 comment:

TheSkwerl said...

Wow, that looks interesting and something I could utilize. Very excited about it!