Thursday, February 09, 2006

Media attention

I don't know if I will ever get used to the notoriety connected with this job. I really don't think I want to get "used" to it.

For example, last night I was watching the 10 o'clock news and all of a sudden they were talking about the Lake County Coroner and his move into cyberspace, and it dawned on me that they were talking about me. Granted it was a story about the Daily Herald writing about this blog, but its not the first time (and likely not the last time) I've watched the news or picked up the paper and heard or seen my name.

Along those lines, I did a video tour (actually one of two) that is running on the Lake County Community Access channel run by the County. The channel is always on on a big screen TV in the lobby of the County Building. My video tour seems to play quite often, I think the guys who shot are proud of the result. The TV is right next to a coffee kiosk where I stop and buy coffee before meetings I need to attend in the County Building. It really is disconcerting to be standing in line for coffee watching me, nearly life size on the screen, giving a tour of my "office".

I'm sure I won't ever be quite comfortable seeing me or my name in the media.

Of course then I have this press conference tomorrow...

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