Monday, March 06, 2006

Bad Day?

I am writing this on a bad day of wrestling with problems with blogger, my network system/provider, and my skill set for blogging.

There was an article in the Wall Street Journal, Feb. 27, 2006, by Jason Fry, regarding "rumors of blogs' demise. (No I don't read the WSJ, I got there through a link from Eric Zorn, a link I lost) At least part of the article was a bit scary for me just starting a blog. According to the article "less than half of ... blogs are still getting posts three months after their creation and less than 10% ... are updated at least weekly ... nothing kills reader interest or visits more quicikly and thoroughly than a stale blog". I plan to keep wrestling and learning and posting on into the future.

I want to highlight some new comments sent to me today and I just got posted (and evidence of some of my wrestling) pertaining to my post "Heroin or is it" on February 7. Take a look at the comment and take a leap through the link to his blog, both are very worth the effort.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

I saw that article too. No worries, some of us just started reading your blog. I like it enough to include in my March monthly links! :)